The team at 360 Yield Center is passionate about farming and have a deep interest in helping their fellow farmers. This passion is what led the Sauders to develop planting technology over the past 20 years, and it is what drives the vision of 360 Yield Center today. The farmer is at the heart of everything we do. And, our team is focused on finding and developing new farming methods and technologies to capture more yield, and ultimately returns, for farmers.
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360 RAIN
Delivering bands of water directly to the base of the plant. 360 RAIN provides advantages over traditional irrigation methods. With a 60-foot boom (24 rows), 360 RAIN applies water through Y-DROP style hoses. At 0.45 mph, 360 RAIN can apply over 2,000,000 gallons of water per week. Providing the three or four inches of critical moisture that improves soil microbes, grain fill and ability of plant to thrive.
360 BANDIT puts bands of liquid nitrogen for early root interception and uptake. It streams nitrogen 3 inches away on both sides of the seed. Along with nitrogen being placed 3/4-inch below the soil surface.
The application tool mounts to the closing system and uses the row unit and closing wheel pressure to maintain depth.
360 DASH
Apply the maximum rate for yield response while reducing your starter volume/acre. The 360 DASH valve meters a 2-3-inch “dash” of fertilizer.
360 WAVE
360 WAVE gently surrounds seeds with moist soil by peeling a band of moist soil from the lower half of the seed trench and rolling it over the seed. That reduces the risk of slotting and air pockets in dry, wet and ideal seedbed conditions.
360 TANKS deliver the things you need for an efficient on-planter nitrogen system: weight balance, capacity, visibility, and accessibility.
These sleek 700-gallon capacity tanks follow the contour of your John Deere 8000R tractor
360 Y-DROP
360 Y-DROP lets you wait for your final application so you can adjust rates to match the crop’s needs. Wet. Dry. Ideal. You supply only what the plants need – protecting yield potential and reducing overall nitrogen costs.
360 Y-DROP Sidedress places nitrogen just inches from the stalk base. It extends the application window, plus there are no costly bearings and coulters to replace.
360 GLIDE provides reliable, mechanical, automatic positioning of your 360 Y-DROP system that ensures ideal hose position and nitrogen placement
360 SOILSCAN combines your yield goal, crop growth stage and soil organic matter levels to build a customized nitrogen application that fits your crop’s N needs.
360 UNDERCOVER makes in-canopy application possible – in corn, seed corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, sugar beets, sorghum and more. Compare coverage on the underside of the leaf.
Fast residue breakdown boosts nutrient availability for next spring’s crop. 360 CHAINROLL creates “chains” of seven-inch stalks – ideal for rapid breakdown. Plus, they’re the perfect length for row cleaners to remove residue from the seed trench.
360 YIELD SAVERs poly blocks and intermeshing bristles reduce loss two ways: by cushioning the ear’s impact – reducing butt shelling – and by capturing kernels. The bristle blocks provide a softer landing for ears which means less shelling. Kernels that do come off the cob, are captured by long-lasting bristles and delivered to the cross auger.
360 BULLET is a berm buster. Wide wings are aerodynamically positioned toward the front of the point – creating fault lines that stretch horizontally and vertically. And it does this without significantly more horsepower or wear.